Hello, I am Moinudin Gallotta. I’m newly into long distance bicycle touring, and am sharing my experiences here. I’m in my 30’s, and originally from South Africa, currently residing in England, but hoping to shift towards a more nomadic lifestyle. I don’t own much, and don’t even pay rent. I used to work as a Software Engineer, but consider those days over.

I only just got my first bike as an adult in April 2021, but I had experience with backpacking (the wilderness and camping type) in multiple countries before this. So when I threw bags on bike, I already had experience with many aspects of bikepacking: what to pack, how to pack light, first aid, camping, route planning, etc. I quickly developed a passion, and am now touring across countries. I prefer gravel over tarmac, and mountains over villages. I prefer longer trips over overnighters. I prefer camping over B&B’s, and wild camp where I can. I prefer cooking over restaurants. I tend to average 70-100km per day, although this is hugely dependant on many factors, and so far favour a 3:1 bike:rest day strategy. I currently ride solo, but I’m open to joining others like me.

You can follow my rides on Strava. You can email me at moinudin at gallotta dot co . za.